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Naama Levy Video YouTube

The decision by the family of Naama Levy, an Israeli hostage, to release a new distressing video showcasing the moment she and other female captives were abducted aims to emphasize the urgency of securing their release through diplomatic channels.

Naama Levy Video

Naama Levy Video YouTube

On October 7, 19-year-old Naama Levy and six other young women were forcibly taken by Hamas militants from the Nahal Oz military base. They were serving as observers, tasked with monitoring surveillance cameras along the Gaza perimeter fence.

Previously, a widely circulated Hamas video depicted Naama in distress, with blood on her trousers and her hands and ankles bound. Now, additional footage captured by body cameras worn by the Hamas kidnappers sheds further light on the harrowing ordeal. It reveals the violent manner in which the women were seized, amid the chaos of the base where others had been killed.

Viewer discretion is advised due to the graphic nature of the three-minute video. It shows the women, some still in their pajamas and with bloodied faces, being verbally abused and tied against a wall before being forced into a jeep with evident injuries.

In Arabic, the gunmen can be heard threatening the captives, while one remarks in English, “You’re beautiful.” Despite her dire situation, Naama, who had previously participated in an Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative, defiantly asserts, “I have friends in Palestine,” reflecting her commitment to peace.

Naama Levy’s brother, Amit, currently advocating for her release in London, highlights the critical juncture in negotiations between Israel and Hamas. He hopes the video will spur renewed efforts to address the humanitarian crisis and secure the captives’ freedom.

Naama Levy Video YouTube

While watching the footage was emotionally taxing for Amit, he draws strength from his sister’s resilience, viewing her as a hero battling for survival. Tragically, one of the observers, Noa Marciano, was killed in Gaza, while another, Ori Megidish, was rescued by Israeli forces.

However, Naama and four other teenagers remain in captivity, enduring their 229th day as hostages. Concerns about their safety, particularly the risk of sexual assault, haunt their families.

Naama’s mother, Ayelet, expresses the anguish of seeing her daughter in such distress, emphasizing the urgent need for their release.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum condemns the failure to bring the captives home, urging immediate action from the Israeli government.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to redouble efforts, denouncing Hamas’ brutality and reaffirming the commitment to ensuring such atrocities are never repeated.

In response, Hamas disputes the authenticity of the Naama Levy Video, claiming manipulation.

Despite the challenges, the release of this footage serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing humanitarian crisis and the imperative to prioritize diplomatic solutions for the captives’ safe return.

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