About US

OMGviral.us is the brainchild of its creators, who have poured their love, hard work, and dedication into crafting a platform that offers user-friendly and informative content, complete with entertaining videos and captivating photo galleries. As one of the fastest-growing news websites, our goal is to cultivate a loyal base of online news consumers, both on the web and mobile platforms.

Our commitment lies in delivering swift and accurate news coverage across a spectrum of topics, including national and international affairs, user-interest stories, humor, astrology insights, business updates, sports highlights, and lifestyle trends.

Our Journey

From the inception of OMGviral.us, our vision has been clear: to stand out from the crowd of news websites. To achieve this, we conducted extensive surveys and research to understand the pulse of our audience. With user satisfaction as our guiding principle, it took nearly a year for our brainchild to take shape. OMGviral.us strives to furnish users with information that not only enriches their daily lives but also entertains and satiates their reading desires.

At OMGviral.us, you’ll find a diverse range of content, spanning from entertainment news to the latest in technology, insights on money-making opportunities, and much more.

Meet Our Team

Our team is the backbone of OMGviral.us, shaping our identity and driving our success. Comprising a talented and diverse group of individuals, we share a common passion for delivering genuine and reliable information to our users. As we continue to grow, we invite like-minded individuals to join our team. If you’re interested in being part of our journey, reach out to us at goku557896@gmail.com.

Note:- If you have any copyright issues on news, photos, or video, please send a mail as information on the following mail ID –


Catch us at: goku557896@gmail.com

Thank you all